- 梭子蟹 1 隻(約一斤)
- 薑數片
- 酸梅 5 粒
- 米酒 1 湯匙
- 茄醬 2 湯匙
- 冰花梅醬 1 湯匙
- 原沙糖 2 茶匙
- 醬油 1/4 茶匙
- 油少許
- 洗乾淨蟹,斬件置於蒸碟。
- 在易潔小鍋加小許油,加入所有梅子醬材料,用匙把酸梅略壓煮溶至有點濃稠,收火。
- 把醬倒在蟹上,撒上薑片,置大火上蒸十至十二分鐘。我今天用水波爐蒸,由於最高溫只有 95C,所以蒸的時間亦稍為加長至 15 分鐘。
- 步驟 3,倒入醬汁前要倒清碟入的水,以免蒸時過度稀釋汁醬,減少鮮味。
Steamed Swimming Crab with Salted Plums
By PP's Cooking Journal
- Swimming Crab x 1 (approx. 600g)
- Ginger slices
Homemade Salted Plum Sauce: (For reference, please adjust to your liking)
- Salted plums x 5
- Rice wine x 1 tbsp
- Ketchup x 2 tbsp
- Plum Paste x 1 tbsp
- Raw sugar x 2 tsp
- Soy sauce x 1/4 tsp
- Cooking oil, a drizzle
- Wash the crab, cut into pieces and arrange on the plate which can sit comfortably with good ventilation in the cookware with lid which you are going to steam the crab.
- In a small non-stick saucepan, add a little oil, pour in all the ingredients for the plum sauce. Squish the plums with a spatula, cook on a low flame until the flesh of the plums disintegrate into the sauce and the sauce thickened. Remove from heat.
- Pour the sauce onto the crab, sprinkle the ginger slices. Steam on high heat for 10-12 minutes. I steamed my dish in Toshiba Microwave Oven with steam mode today, as the temperature could only be 95C, I steamed the dish for extra 3 minutes.
- Must drain the water in the dish before pouring the sauce onto the crab in Step 3, or the sauce will be over diluted after steaming.