
Angus Beef Rib-fingers in Milanese Style

This dish was inspired by an authentic Italian recipe Osso Buco in Milanese Style in an old Italian cookbook. Inspired by the recipe, I adapted it according to my preference:
  1. Always cook meat with plenty of veggies.
  2. Use whatever fresh herbs I have in my patio, because fresh herbs can elevate the fragrance of the dish to it's most.
  3. We seldom drink, I always replace white wine with sake, which can be kept at room temperature instead of occupying the precious fridge capacity. 

Braised Angus Beef Rib-fingers in Milanese Style served with cooked brown rice

I used a similar method to cook osso buco and beef rib-fingers, the main difference is:
  • For the osso buco, veggies were chopped, softened and caramelized before adding the meat. The sauce came out concentrated with sweet intense flavor.
  • For the Angus beef rib-fingers, veggies were cut into chunks, just browned a bit and the meat was added. End up I had a pot of watery sauce and had to reduce it on the stove.
Braised Osso Buco in Milanese Style cooked brown rice


  • Angus beef rib-fingers, approximately 500g, cut into 2.5"-3" pieces
  • Brown onion, 1 medium, finely chopped
  • Carrots, 2 medium, finely chopped
  • Celery, 3 stalks, finely chopped
  • Garlic, minced, 1 teaspoon
  • Lemon peel, 1 strip
  • Sake, 1/2 cup
  • Vegetable broth, 1/2 cup
  • Peeled and chopped Italian Tomatoes, 1 can (400 g)
  • Fresh Thyme, few sprigs
  • Fresh Italian parsley, few sprigs
  • Fresh Rosemary, 1 sprig
  • Dried Bay Leaves, 3
  • Freshly ground black pepper and salt, to taste
  1. Preheat the oven to 160C (Convection only).
  2. Choose a cast-iron cocotte or a heavy-bottom pot which can just accommodate the meat in a single layer. Heat the pan in medium heat, grease the pan lightly, add the onion, carrots and celery, cook until softened and caramelised, add the lemon peel and cook for another 2-3 minutes. Remove from heat.
  3. Heat a frying-pan, grease it. Coat the meat with some flour, shake off the excess. Put the meat into the frying-pan and brown them all over. Remove the meat and set them on top of the vegetables.
  4. Add sake to the frying-pan, reduce it by simmering over medium heat while scraping off the caramelised residue in the pan. Add the broth and bring it to a simmer. Add the liquid to the cocotte. 
  5. Add the tomatoes with their juice, the herbs, salt and pepper. The liquid should just cover the meat. If it doesn't, add more. Bring the liquid in the pot to a simmer.
  6. Put the cocotte into the preheated oven and cook for 2 hours.


要保持身體健康,食物多元化非常重要,不但種類要多,顏色亦要多。平日預備中式 “兩餸一湯” 二人晚餐,最簡單是一碟深綠色的蔬菜,加一道蒸魚,難以達至多元化,但多煮一道菜又太嫌多。後來想到:只要預備點涼拌菜,一來可增加食物多樣性,二來開胃,操作亦簡單,又可以提早一天預備食材,放入雪櫃儲存,留待上菜前材拌入醬汁。這樣的安排更適用於家中款客,不費吹灰之力又加一兩道前菜,簡單又健康。


我們常常在巿場買到的蓮藕,主要分兩種:未經加工,仍裹着泥巴的 “泥藕” 和已經加工處理,個子亮白的蓮藕。我當新手主婦時,都是買經過加工處理的蓮藕,後來與菜販熟落,有一次我選蓮藕時,老闆娘在我耳邊低聲說:「你還是買泥藕吧!加工的蓮藕可能浸過化學劑,我都不敢吃! 」自此每次都買泥藕。此外,雖說蓮藕生吃可清熱,但由於它長於泥濘中,易有寄生蟲,並不建議生吃,必須用氽水才用,吃得安心。


  • 蓮藕一段,洗淨去皮,切薄片
  • 甘筍一條,切片
  • 木耳適量,浸發透,去梗

醬汁 (我調涼拌醬汁相當隨意,未有記下分量,請按自己喜好調配)
  • 芝麻油
  • 柚子酢
  • 醬油
  • 米醋
  • 鹽麴


1. 用中鍋把水燒開,放入藕片燙 1 分鐘,加入甘筍片再燙一分鐘。

2. 用篩隔起藕片和甘筍,放入用冷開水做的冰塊和冷開水中降溫,保持蔬菜爽脆。

3. 把木耳放入沸水中燙 2 至 3 分鐘,以篩隔水,加入冰水中冷郤。

4. 把所有材料放入 veggie spinner 轉乾。

5. 加入調好醬汁拌均,可立即上碟,亦可放入雪櫃 30 分鐘讓味道融合,但加入醬汁的蔬菜不宜久放,會大量滲水,影響食味。上菜前撒上芫荽碎和芝蔴。