- 狀元金蠔一串(4隻)
(B) 醃料
- 醬油 1茶匙
- 魚露 1.5茶匙
- 紹酒 1.5茶匙
- 薑汁 1.5茶匙
- 胡椒粉 少許
(C) 汁料
- 柚子蜜 3-4 湯匙
- 把金蠔剝離竹簽,洗淨抹乾拌勻,與醃料拌勻醃20-30分鐘,期間要翻動令味道均勻。
- 用明火蒸6分鐘。如用水波爐先預熱5分鐘再蒸6分鐘。
- 明火燒熱平底鑊,加一點點油,放入金蠔兩面煎至金黃,離火。
- 把柚子蜜倒入平底鑊以中火煮至起泡,加入金蠔略拌至都沾上柚子蜜,即可上碟。
I'm a home cook and a hobby-baker. I used to share my food pix on FB with my friends. Over the years, they keep encouraging me to share my cooking experiences, healthy diet and baking in a blog... AND I'M HERE!!! I believe "You are what you eat! Food can be healthy as well as delicious!...If you have adapted a healthy lifestyle, why not indulge yourselves every now and then with something devilish and delicious!" Enjoy food! Enjoy cooking! Enjoy life!