
甘筍木耳炒牛蒡 Stir-fried Burdock, Carrot and Black Fungus

Cooked a devilish dish, braised pork trotter for dinner tonight. Apart from blanching a catty of baby Chinese kale, I need something more health to ease my guilt and decided to cook Stir-fried Burdock, Carrot and Black Fungus.

As I planned to serve this cold, I stirred in some finely chopped coriander to enhance the flavor.
This dish is very versatile, you can add other shredded vegetables, to name a few: bamboo shoot, bean sprouts, shitake, mangetout and celery. This can be served hot or cold, to go with steamed rice or noodles. Or if you like meat, you can add shredded beef, pork, chicken or ostrich. I always cook extra and keep it in the fridge, just add it to cooked noodle and it's a healthy, simple lunch.

To cook this dish, you need:

  • Burdock, scrubbed, finely shredded
  • Carrot, peeled, finely shredded
  • Shredded black fungus, re-hydrated, blanched and drained
  • Ginger, finely shredded

The key of success to this dish is the proportion of seasoning. For the seasoning, you need: (from left)

  • Soy sauce, 2.5 tablespoons
  • Mirin, 1 tablespoon
  • Sake, 1 tablespoon
  • Raw sugar, 1 tablespoon
  • Sesame oil (not in the pix)
  • Water, as needed (For creating steam to soften the burdock)

  1. Prepare the seasoning: mix the soy sauce, mirin, sake and raw sugar in a bowl.
  2. Heat a pan, drizzle with little cooking oil, add the black fungus and stir-fry until hot.
  3. Stir in the shredded ginger until you smell the aroma.
  4. Add the burdock, stir-fry until soft. Meanwhile shall add water tablespoon by tablespoon to create steam to soften the burdock.
  5. Add the carrot, mix well. Pour in the seasoning and cook for a few minutes to reduce the sauce but do not over-cook the carrots.
  6. Remove from heat. Drizzle with sesame oil and mix well.





  • 牛蒡,刷洗乾淨,切細絲
  • 甘筍,去皮,切細絲
  • 木耳絲,浸發透,汆水後瀝乾
  • 薑,切細絲


  • 醬油,2.5 大匙
  • 味醂,1 大匙
  • 清酒,1 大匙
  • 原砂糖,1 大匙
  • 麻油,適量(不在相片內)
  • 水,適量(產生蒸氣,煮軟牛蒡絲)

  1. 預備調味汁:把醬油、味醂、清酒、原砂糖倒入碗中拌勻。
  2. 燒熱鑊,加一點點油,加入木耳絲炒熱。
  3. 拌入薑絲炒至發出香味。
  4. 加入牛蒡絲,炒至軟,期間可以每次加一大匙水炒至軟。加水只為產生蒸氣,不要多加。
  5. 加入甘筍絲拌勻。倒入調味汁料,多煮數分鐘至收汁。注意勿過度烹調,否則甘筍絲過熟,失去爽脆口感。
  6. 離火,澆上麻油拌勻上碟。

2 則留言:

  1. 超級有心機的一道料理,以往我也有切絲的喜好,但近來轉用刨絲小工具幫手,不過牛蒡很難刨絲喔,所以我會用切京蔥的小工具幫手,不過始終都是人手切最漂亮~

    1. 謝謝妳的讚賞!家中工具都算齊備,但牛蒡纖維太粗,要達到心目中的口感,我還是選用菜刀切;又,既然牛蒡都切了,想少洗一件工具,當是練習一下刀功吧 ^_^ 

      我曾做過實驗:手切幼絲的紅菜頭 vs food processor 刨絲。手切最能保留水分和爽脆口感,food processor 則方便快捷。
