
Wholewheat Bread with Cooked 18-Grain Brown Rice 十八穀糙米飯粗麥麵包

Tried to bake "Bread with Brown Rice" recipe in the User's Manual and my Zojirushi bread machine, I must admit that the machine is great to bake simple soft bread loaves, but when it comes to recipes with a proportion of wholewheat flour and added grains, I'll prefer to use my Kenwood stand-mixer and the oven.

Inspired by the recipe mentioned above, I made a lot of adjustments and it finally became my "Wholewheat Bread with Cooked 18-Grain Brown Rice"

  • Ice-cold drinking water, 130ml
  • Bread flour, 200g (Plus extra 1-2 teaspoons if the dough is too tacky)
  • Wholewheat bread flour, 50g
  • Cooked 18-grain brown rice, chilled, 150g (Can be replaced with other cooked brown rice)
  • Muscovado (Brown sugar), 6g
  • Sea salt, 3g
  • Instant dried-yeast, 3g
  • Butter, 10g (can be replaced by olive oil or other vegetable oil)

  • 冰水,130克
  • 高筋粉,200克 (如搓起麵糰太濕,可能要額外1-2茶匙)
  • 全麥高筋粉,50克
  • 18穀糙米飯,150克 (可以糙米飯代之) 必須放涼
  • 黑糖,6克
  • 海鹽,3克
  • 即溶乾酵母,3克
  • 牛油,10克 (可以橄欖油代之)

Kneading equipment: I used the stand-mixer with dough-hook. You can also use hand-mixer with dough-hooks or knead by hand. 


Method 方法

1. Autolysis: Combine the cold water and flours in the mixer with slow speed until it just form a dough.


2. Autolysis: Allow the dough to sit in the mixing bowl covered to rest for 30 minutes. The flours will be fully moistened and the gluten will develop.

水合法:把麵糰留在拌缸中 30 分鐘,讓麵粉充分給收水分及成筋。

3. Add all ingredients except butter, beware not pour the yeast on to the sea salt. Turn the mixer on medium low and allow the ingredients to combine well and form a relatively smooth dough. 


4. Add the butter, mix on low to medium speed until well combined to form a relative smooth dough.

5. Transfer the dough to a greased food bag, twine the bag and tie a single knot at the opening to allow room for the dough to grow and keep the dough moist.*


*You can put the dough into the fridge overnight to allow the yeasts to work at low temperature, which replaces 1st Fermentation in Step 6.

6. 1st Fermentation: Set the oven to 30℃ fermentation setting and allow to rise until the size doubled. For your reference, mine takes 50-60 minutes. 

基本發酵:把麵糰放入水波爐以攝氏30度發酵至兩倍大。我做的麵糰常要 50-60 分鐘才完成基本發酵。

7. Knock down, roll round and rest: Take the dough out on a silicone pad, knock down with a rolling pin or your hands to expel the air. Roll round the dough. Cut two sides of the food bag open, cover the dough with greased side down and allow to rest for 10-15 minutes. 

排氣、滾圓、鬆弛:把麵糰移至矽膠墊上,用滾麵杆或用手壓下去把空氣擠出來。重新把麵糰滾圓,把食物袋兩邊剪開,已抹油一邊向下,蓋在麵糰上,室溫放置 10-15 分鐘鬆弛。

8. With a rolling pin, roll the dough into an oval shape, approximately 20 x 30 cm.

以滾麵杆把麵糰壓至橢圓形,約 20 x 30厘米。

9. Tuck in and roll the dough to form a loaf.

10. Nip to seal the edge of the dough.


11. Transfer the dough to a parchment paper with the sealed edge faced down.


12. Second fermentation: Put the shaped dough into the oven at fermentation setting 40℃ steam until the dough doubled. My dough takes 40 minutes.

第二次發酵:把完成做型的麵糰放入水波爐,以攝氏40度加水蒸汽發酵模式,讓待麵糰發至雙倍大。我的麵糰需時約 40 分鐘。

13. Remove the dough from the oven. Set the oven to Automode 14 - French Bread and preheat with baking tray on the upper rack.

取出麵糰。把水皮爐調至自動模式 14 法包模式,放一個焗盤至上層一同預熱。

14. Sprinkle the dough with bread flour and make a few slashes with a blade.


15. When the oven reached the desired temperature, transfer the dough with the parchment paper onto the preheated tray and turn the oven on.


16. Decrease the baking time to 27 minutes. Have to check whether the dough is after two thirds of the baking time, may have to turn the tray inside-out for even browning. 


17. Remove the bread once baked and leave to cool on a rack.


Feel free to replace the cooked 18-grain brown rice with any brown rice you are accessible to. I have also tried with cooked 10-Grain Cereal by Bob's Red Mill, which is also awesome.





  • 鮮荷葉一整片,洗淨備用
  • 嘉美雞半隻,洗淨、抹乾、斬件
  • 蟲草花,20克,按包裝指示預先浸發,瀝水備用
  • 櫻桃木耳,一把,預先浸發,氽水 3 分鐘,過冷河瀝水備用
  • 紅棗,幾粒,開邊去核
  • 薑片,適量
  • 葱段,適量

雞肉醃料 (請按自己口味自行調節)

  • 鹽麴 25 克
  • 味醂 1茶匙

調味  (請按自己口味自行調節)

  • 蠔油 1 湯匙
  • 醬油 1.5 茶匙
  • 老抽 1 茶匙
  • 原糖 1.5 茶匙
  • 粟粉 1 花匙
  • 麻油 1.5 茶匙


  1. 在大碗中放入雞件,加入醃料拌勻。最好放15-20 分鐘入味。
  2. 加入蟲草花、櫻桃木耳、紅棗、薑片、葱段和調味料拌勻。
  3. 燒熱水,放入荷葉略燙至軟,印乾備用。如荷葉太大可沿邊剪去一圈留煮湯用。
  4. 把荷葉放在大碟上,倒入雞件和配料,舖成一層,用荷葉包好,插上牙籤封口。
  5. 在鑊中以中火蒸 40 分鐘*,又或以水波爐純蒸50-60分鐘**至全熟即成。

Pork Tenderloin stuffed with Chorizo and Mushrooms 西班牙風乾腸蘑菇釀豬柳

材料 (足夠2-3人作主菜)

  • 急凍豬柳,250克 (預先解凍)
  • Chorizo (西班牙風乾腸),50克,去衣切碎
  • 洋葱(大),半個,切碎
  • 蘑菇,125克,切片
  • 蒜茸,1/2茶匙
  • Fennel seeds (小茴香籽),一少撮(未有在照片中)
  • Paprika, 1/4 茶匙
  • Crushed dried chili (乾辣椒碎),適量
  • Fresh thyme (新鮮百里香),適量
  • Italian parsley (新鮮蕃茜),適量
  • 鮮磨黑胡椒,適量


  • 鹽麴,15-20克


  1. 用刀在豬柳沿邊淺淺切入,一邊切一邊卷開,片成一整片約 1厘米厚,加入醃料抹勻包好,放入雪櫃醃一小時以上。可早一晚預備。
  2. 燒熱平底鑊,加少量油,加入洋葱粒以中小火炒至香軟。
  3. 加入蘑菇片炒至略乾身,加入 chorizo 和 fennel seeds,慢慢炒至風乾腸滲油,加入蒜茸、paprika、crushed dried chili 和香百里香的葉片炒勻。最後加入黑胡椒和 Italian parsley。把所炒好的饀料放在碗中備用,稍稍放涼至不燙手。
  4. 把豬柳攤開,把饀料薄薄舖在豬肉上留約一吋封口位置。把豬肉卷好,太鬆會包不穩饀料,太緊又會把饀料都擠出來。用棉繩先把肉卷頭尾紥好,再在中間加繩固定。
  5. 把焗爐預熱至攝氏 180度。
  6. 燒熱平底鑊,加一點點油,把肉卷表面都煎至金黃。
  7. 把已用水軟的新薯放入焗盤,拌入欖橄油、黑胡椒和海鹽,放上肉卷。
  8. 把焗盤放入焗爐烤25分鐘。
  9. 取出焗盤,用錫紙封好放15-20分鐘。
  10. 取出肉卷切厚片上碟。




今天的不是空運貨色,殼上還黏著 barnacles。既然只有我倆用餐,沒有客人,不用講究賣相,犯不着花時間清理鮑魚殼,還是棄殼取肉較為省時。我喜歡用泰國產的原色粉絲,浸在湯中仍能夠保持 Q 彈口感,但浸發後不能直接蒸,要用水或上湯燙幾粉鐘再蒸才熟透。


  • 鮮鮑魚
  • 泰國粉絲,一小包
  • 陳皮,切絲


  1. 洗淨鮮鮑魚,去內臟,取肉,瀝水備用。
  2. 按包裝指示浸發好泰國粉絲,放入上湯中燙幾分鐘,撈出瀝乾備用。
  3. 在蒸碟上順序舖上粉絲、鮑魚、陳皮,放入鑊大火蒸 5-6 分鐘,或放入己預熱的水波爐,以 Steam mode 蒸 10-12 分鐘。
  4. 淋上適量食油和豉油即可。



今晚試加入鹽麴和味醂處理魚肉,加入其他常用中式醃料當中,進一步為魚提鮮,老闆非常欣賞。 ^_^


  • 龍躉腩,約300克
  • 薑片,數片
  • 陳皮,切絲,適量


  • 鹽麴,15克
  • 味醂,2茶匙
  • 欖豉醬,適量(可以蒜茸豆豉醬取代)
  • 蒜茸,適量
  • 粟粉,一茶匙
  • 油,適量


  1. 請魚販代打鱗和切片,因為魚皮太厚,家用菜刀較難處理。洗淨印乾備用。
  2. 把醃料加入魚塊拌勻,在蒸碟上排好。撒上薑片和陳皮絲。
  3. 放入鑊中大火蒸 6-8 分鐘*,至全熟;又或用水波爐預熱 3 分鐘, "Steam" mode 烹調 10-12 分鐘*,至全熟。
     * 只為參考時間,實際蒸煮時間會因火力、魚塊的大小厚薄等而有所不同。



一位日本飲食養生作家推介的夏日食材,其中有秋葵、蕃茄和粟米。翻過有關 Gastronomy 的書籍,這三種食材的味道都是配合的,所以我又試試把它們放在一起,做一道沙律。


  • 秋葵,洗淨備用
  • 車厘茄,洗淨備用
  • 新鮮粟米粒**
  • 烘白芝麻

 ** 喜歡原粒鮮粟米,是早前用手剝,放入冰箱儲存,用時取出所需份量,放微波爐解凍。


  • 日式胡麻沙律醬***
  • 柚子酢(柚子調味醬油)
  • 鮮磨黑胡椒
     *** 個人覺得日式胡麻沙律醬太稠,故加入少量柚子酢,口感較清爽。


  1. 用小鍋燒水至沸騰,放入秋葵略燙 40 秒,立即取出放入冰水冷卻。用廚紙輕輕印乾,按喜好切厚片或斜切成段。
  2. 車厘茄對半切開。
  3. 在沙律碗中放入秋葵、車厘茄和粟米粒,拌入沙律汁,撒上烘芝麻即可上菜。

Arugula, Fennel, Orange and Walnut Salad

This is a salad made with my favorite ingredients: arugula, fennel bulb, orange and radishes. I love the combination of the different texture and aroma. I made a yuzu vinaigrette to go with the salad and it was refreshing indeed! A very good choice to go with meaty dishes!

The listed portion can be served as a main course for 1 person, with bread or combine with cooked quinoa,  or a side dish for 2 to 3 persons.


  • Arugula, 75g, washed and spin-dried
  • Fennel bulb, one, small, thinly sliced
  • An Orange, need the flesh only
  • Radishes, 4, thinly sliced
  • Raw walnuts, a handful, coarsely chopped

Ingredients for the salad. From top left clockwise: fennel bulb, arugula, raw walnuts, radishes and orange.

For the vinaigrette I made my own with: (from the right)

  • Korean honey citron
  • Yuzu seasoned soy sauce
  • White wine vinegar
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt and Pepper
  • Chili flakes


Zucchini Turkey Burgers with Sumac Greek Yogurt Sauce(西葫蘆火雞堡拌香料乳酪汁)


己經做這道菜式多次,最初用 food processor 攪碎雞肉,但總覺得口感不對...太細緻,少了「肉」的口感,所以最近兩次都是用手刴,質感大大提升。急凍火雞胸只有個別超巿有售,建議可以有機雞胸代之。至於西葫蘆,應該可以翠玉瓜代之,但我未試過。

曾在一本有關種植蔬菜,原著為日文,被釋成中文的圖書中,看過 zucchini 的中文名稱,但落筆時,久久想不起 來。結果,當然是上網搜尋:「西葫蘆」!就是「西葫蘆」!

我喜歡這道菜可以預先做好,可作主菜又或派對小食。醬汁亦太美味,可作 salad dressing 或作 yogurt dip, 配上 tortilla chips 或各式蔬菜切成的粗條奉客。

(可做約 10 個,每個約 45-50克)

  • 火雞胸,攪碎,250克
  • 西葫蘆,刨粗絲,125克
  • 新鮮薄荷葉,切細絲,2 湯匙
  • 新鮮蕃茜葉,切細絲,1湯匙
  • 葱,3 條,,切幼粒
  • 孜然子,1 茶匙,用石磨研碎
  • 甜辣椒粉 (Paprika), 1/4茶匙
  • 蒜茸,一茶匙
  • 粗粒即食麥片,3湯匙
  • 雞蛋,一隻
  • 海鹽和即磨黑胡椒,適量



脫脂希臘乳酪 150克
檸檬皮茸 1.5 茶匙
鮮榨檸檬汁 2 湯匙
蒜茸 1/2 茶匙
高級初榨欖橄油 1湯匙
Sumac (一種中東常用香料) 1 湯匙



  1. 把焗爐預熱至攝氏 220 度。
  2. 把手沾濕,把肉饀分成45-50克一份,搓圓備用。
  3. 燒熱易潔鑊,抹小許油,放入肉丸,用鏟壓平,兩面煎至隻黃即可。
  4. 把煎好的肉餅排在肉焗盤上,放入焗爐烤 5-7 分鐘至全熟。
  5. 可稍稍放涼,拌上先前預備好的中東香料乳酪汁,配沙律上碟。

Zucchini Turkey Burgers
(Makes 10 burgers, 45-50g each)


  • Turkey breast, minced, 250g
  • Zucchini, coarsely grated, 125g
  • Fresh mint, chopped, 2 tbsp
  • Parsley, chopped, 1 tbsp
  • Spring onion, 3, thinly sliced
  • Cumin seeds, 1 tsp, bashed in mortar and pestle
  • Paprika, 1/4 tsp
  • Instant rolled oatmeal, 3 tbsp
  • Minced garlic, 1 teaspoon
  • Whole egg, 1
  • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste.
To prepare:
In a large mixing bowl, mix everything with your hand in single direction until all combined. Allow to rest in the fridge for at least one hour to allow the flavors to infuse.

Sumac Greek Yogurt Sauce


  • Greek yogurt, 150g
  • Lemon zest, 1.5 tsp
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice 2 tbsps
  • Minced garlic, 1/2 tsp
  • Extra virgin olive oil, 1 tbsp
  • Sumac, 1 tbsp
  • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

To prepare:
Combine all ingredients in a medium bowl and chill in the fridge until serving.


  1. Preheat the oven to 220C.
  2. With wet hands, roll the meat mixture in to balls, each 45-50g.
  3. In a hot non-stick frying pan, smear with a little oil, put in the meat balls, press down with a spatula to form burgers and sear each side until browned.
  4. Transfer the patties to the baking tray, bake in the oven for 6-8 minutes until cooked through.
  5. Serve warm with the yogurt sauce and a green salad.