

中秋前約姑姐飲茶,點了一道點心:韭菜鯪魚肉餅,材料有韭菜、鯪魚肉和臘味,非常惹味,但煎時加了太多油,所以偏油膩。心想:加大韭菜比例、以蝦米代替臘味、用易潔鑊少油煎,即可成為健康的家常菜 !

材料  (可做10個直徑 2 吋的煎餅)

  • 鯪魚肉漿*,6兩 (約225克)
  • 韭菜,4兩 (約150克),切成小於 1 厘米長短粒粒
  • 蝦米,一把,洗淨、浸泡,切碎**
  • 陳皮,半角,切幼粒

  • 雞蛋,一只
  • 葱粒,適量
  • 現磨黑胡椒或白胡椒粉,適量

  • 易潔平底鑊連蓋
  • 即棄手膠手套

  1. 把 (A) 放入大碗,帶上即棄手膠手套,用手向同一方向拌均勻。
  2. 加入 (B),向同一方向拌均,至所有材料融合為一團肉漿。
  3. 在易潔平底鑊輕輕抹一點油,以中火燒熱鑊。
  4. 沾濕雙手,取一個 goofball size 的肉漿,搓成球狀略壓平,放入鑊中,以抹了油的鑊鏟再略壓。重覆至鑊放滿肉餅,加蓋以中慢火煎至一邊金黃,反轉加蓋煎另一邊。取出煎好的肉餅。
  5. 再把餘下的肉漿整型煎熟上碟。


Blueberries Oatmeal Greek Yogurt Pancakes

This is one of the "healthiest" and delicious pancake recipes I've ever tried. It is rich and fluffy, packed with fibre and nutrients. Love to have this in weekend mornings with a nice cup of coffee! Do try this recipe with fresh corn kernels, then serve with crispy bacon and maple syrup, you will like it!

Corn Kernel Greek Yogurt Pancakes with Mesclun Salad and Crispy Bacon

Ingredients (2 servings, makes 6-7 pancakes)
(A) Dry Ingredients

  • Wholewheat pastry flour or general all-purpose flour, 100 g
  • Instant rolled oats, 1/3 cup
  • Raw caster sugar, 1 tablespoons
  • Baking powder, 1/2 + 1/8 teaspoons
  • Baking soda, 1/8 teaspoon
  • Salt, a pinch

(B) Wet ingredients

  • Plain Greek yogurt, 1 tub of 150g, I chose "no-fat"
  • Milk, about 1/2 cup
  • Unsalted butter, 20g melted OR other vegetable oil, 20g
  • Large egg, 1
  • Vanilla extract, 1/2 teaspoon

(C) Other ingredients

  • Blueberries, 1/2 cup OR fresh corn kernels, 1/2 cup
  • Maple syrup, for serving

  1. In a large mixing bowl, combine all dry ingredients in (A) with a hand whisk.
  2. In a large glass measuring cup, add the entire tub of Greek yogurt, add milk to make up to 1 cup. Add the egg and melted butter, whisk to combine.
  3. Pour mixture (B) over dry ingredients (A) and mix with a rubber spatula just until moist. 
  4. Add blueberries and gently toss to combine.
  5. Lightly grease a nonstick frying-pan, heat on medium heat.
  6. Scoop 1/3 cup batter for each pancake and cook on medium low heat with lid on, until bubbles appear on top and underside is nicely browned. 
  7. Flip and cook pancakes on the other side with the lid on, about 1-2 minutes longer. 
  8. Serve immediately with maple syrup.