
Baked Eel with Honey Citron 柚子蜜燒白鱔

After triple testing the recipe, it is done!!! Fresh water eel is in season and it's very oily, I always serve this with some sort of salad. I served it with some home-pickled young ginger today and it was great! 

(For 2-3)
  • Fresh water eel*, boned, flesh with skin on, 300g
  • Korean honey citron, 2-3 tablespoons

* The fishmonger can remove the slime on the skin and bone the fish for you. 

  • Soy sauce, 2 tablespoon
  • Dark soy sauce, 1 tablespoon
  • Raw sugar, 1 tablespoon
  • Toasted sesame oil, 1.5 teaspoon
  • Ginger juice, 1.5 teaspoon
  • Mei Kwei Lu Chiao**, 1.5 teaspoon (can be substituted with Xiaoxing Wine)
  • Lemon juice, 1.5 teaspoon
  • Zest of half a lemon

** "Mei Kwei Lu Chiao" is kind of Chinese wine, brewed with grain wine and fresh roses, has a very intensive rose aroma, often used in marinade. Can be drunk alone or in cocktails.

Material: Stainless steel skewers or bamboo skewers. Bamboo skewers shall be soaked for at least 30 minutes to prevent burning when baking in the oven.

  1. Rinse the eel and pat dry with kitchen towel. Cut into 5cm pieces.
  2. Combine the marinate. Marinade the flesh for 30 minutes.
  3. Put the skewers through the flesh.
  4. Line the baking tray with parchment paper to prevent sticking.
  5. Bake in the oven at 220C without preheat for 8 minutes with skin down.
  6. Brush honey citron on both sided and bake with skin down for 4 minutes.
  7. Brush honey citron on both sides and bake with skin up for another 5 minutes.
  8. Remove from the oven. Remove the skewers and serve.




  • 白鱔*,去骨,淨肉約 300g
  • 柚子蜜,2-3 湯匙
* 買魚時記緊請檔主為你去潺、去骨。

  • 醬油 2 湯匙
  • 老抽 1 湯匙
  • 原砂糖 1 湯匙
  • 麻油 1.5 茶匙
  • 檸檬汁 1.5 茶匙
  • 薑汁 1.5 茶匙
  • 玫瑰露酒 1.5 茶匙 (可以紹興酒代替)
  • 檸檬皮茸半個


  1. 洗淨及用廚紙拍乾鱔魚。切5厘米段。
  2. 拌勻醃料,放入鱔魚醃30分鐘。
  3. 用串燒义或竹籤把每塊魚串好。
  4. 焗盤舖上焗爐紙。
  5. 皮向下,放入未有預熱焗爐 220度焗 8 分鐘。
  6. 於兩面塗上柚子蜜,皮向下焗 4 分鐘。
  7. 於兩面塗上柚子蜜,皮向上焗 4 分鐘。
  8. 從焗爐取出。取出串燒义或竹籤,立即上碟。

  • 我是用東芝ER-GD400,因為加溫快,並未有預熱。如果用其他焗爐,請按個別情況決定是否需要預熱或調節烤焗時間。
  • 白鱔快熟,請按買到的食材的實際情況,酌情加減烹調溫度及時間。
  • 不同品牌的柚子蜜濃稠情度、甜度不同,如果你認為太稠又或要減甜,可兌冷開水至合口味。

